Friday, January 20, 2012

How do you transfer music from computer to LG Rumor Touch?

Well I've been trying to download my music from FrostWire to my LG Rumor Touch. I have my sd card and my USB wire what do I doHow do you transfer music from computer to LG Rumor Touch?
PLug it all in. You should have a disk drive appear in the My Computer menu. That is your microSD card. Then, you should just be able to pull up your music on the PC, and drag and drop the music between the two windows.

The microSD is just like a flash drive. Open it up-Drag stuff into it, and TaDah!How do you transfer music from computer to LG Rumor Touch?
Thanks Josh u helped

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How do you transfer music from computer to LG Rumor Touch?
Alright its a little harder than that. In order for the lg rumor touch's media player to see your song it must be in a created folder MUSIC and it must be .mp3. there seems to be alot of free software for converting files to mp3. Im still working on video which should be possible if in the right format the mater is the converter

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